What is the Virtual Showroom?
The Virtual Showroom is our digital showcase—a curated selection of garments designed and made by BTI. It’s here to inspire, spark ideas, and provide a closer look at what we can create using our groundbreaking platform.
How can B2B clients use the Virtual Showroom?
If you’re a business looking to collaborate or explore our craftsmanship, the Virtual Showroom is the perfect starting point. You can order a single piece to experience our process and see how we bring designs to life, one garment at a time.
Can I purchase pieces directly from the Virtual Showroom?
Not directly. However, if you see something you love, you can make an inquiry. We’ll work with you to customize and create a bespoke garment inspired by what you’ve seen.
What sets BTI apart?
Every garment we make is crafted individually using our innovative platform. This ensures unparalleled attention to detail, quality, and customization—tailoring excellence designed just for you.